• Dharan is a major city in eastern Nepal, in the Sunsari District, and is situated on the foothills of the Mahabharat Range in the north with southern tip touching the edge of the Terai region at an altitude of 1148 ft (349m). It serves as a trading post between the hilly region and the plains of Terai region. It was once the location of a recruitment center for the Brigade of Gurkhas, opened in 1953. The recruitment center is closed and the campus is now the home of B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences since 1993. Dharan Municipality organised a Golden Jubilee celebration of Dharan from January 28 to 31 January 2011 marking the 50th year of establishment of the municipality.

  • The Ten Kings of Limbus came together to formally declare all the ten kingdoms between the Arun River and Teesta River to be called "Yakthung Laaje".
  • The ten rulers, their kingdoms and their forts:
  • Samlupi Samba Hang, King of Tambar and his capital Tambar Yiok.
  • Sisiyen Shering Hang, King of Mewa and Maiwa kingdoms and his capital Meringden Yiok.
  • Thoktokso Angbo Hang, King of Athraya and his capital Pomajong.
  • Thindolung Khokya Hang, King of Yangwarok and his capital Hastapojong Yiok
  • Yengaso Papo Hang, King of Panthar and his capital at Yashok and Pheden (Phe meaning "plain", den meaning "place").
  • Shengsengum Phedap Hang, King of Phedap and his capital at Poklabung.
  • Mung Tai Chi Emay Hang, King of Ilam and his capital at Phakphok.
  • Soiyak Lado Hang, King of Bodhey (Choubise) and his capital at Shanguri Yiok.
  • Tappeso Perung Hang, King of Thala and his capital at Thala Yiok.
  • Taklung Khewa Hang, King of Chethar and his capital at Chamling Chimling Yiok.

  • During this chaos and the waning phase of King Chemjong hang, King Sirijonga of Yangwarok kingdom rose to power. He subdued all the independent rulers and took over as the new supreme ruler of Limbuwan. He built two big forts in Phedap (present day Terhathum district) and Chainpur (present day Sankhuwasabha district). The remains of the structure still stand today. One of legacy was that he brought all the Limbus under the same writing system in Kirat script. He also brought feudal reform in Limbuwan and divided Limbuwan into new boundaries and districts.
  • Eventually after the establishment of Namgyal dynasty in Sikkim and under the Lho-Mehn-Tsong Tsum, a treaty between the Bhutia, Lepcha and Limbu people of the Sikkim area, Limbuwan lost the area between Kunchenjunga range (present day eastern border of Nepal) and Teesta River to the Bhutia Kings of Sikkim. Since then Limbuwan comprises all the area between Arun River and Koshi River in the west to Kunchenjunga Mountains and Mechi River in the east.
  • In the beginning of 15th century, the descendants of King Sirijonga became weak and Limbuwan again fell into chaos and anarchy. At the time Lowland Limbuwan Kingdom of Morang was ruled by King Sangla Ing. Sangla Ing declared independence and became the first independent ruler of Morang in a century. His son Pungla Ing adopted Hinduism and changed his name into Aamar Raya Ing. He was succeeded by his descendents, who also bore Hindu names. Kirti Narayan Raya Ing, Aap Narayan Raya Ing, Jarai Narayan Raya Ing, Ding Narayan Raya Ing, and Bijay Narayan Raya Ing.
  • King Bijay Narayan Raya Sanlga Ing built a new town in the middle of Varatappa and Shangori fort and named it Bijaypur after him. He had no issue and died without an heir.
  • Bijaypur town was founded in 1584 AD and is currently located next to Dharan, Sunsari District. Bijaypur town remained the capital of Morang Kingdom and Limbuwan region until the Gorkha Limbuwan War in 1774 AD.
  • It was the most powerful and influential of all the Kingdoms in Limbuwan region and was able to establish its hegemony among all the other Limbu rulers. But in 1609 AD Kirant King Lo hang Sen of Sen dynasty captured Morang and ruled it for seven generations.
  • King of Phedap Murray Hang was made the chief minister of Morong. He stayed in Bijaypur and the King of Morong made his post hereditary. Murray Hang was given a Hindu name and he became Bidya Chandra Raya . His descendents remained Chief Ministers of Morong until Buddhi Karna Raya . Buddhi Karna Raya succeeded the last Sen King of Morang Kama Datta sen and sat in the throne of Bijaypur Palace in 1769 AD.

  • Dharan is a tourist destination in its own right. Communication is mainly in Nepali and English. People who are English speakers should have no problem comprehending many signs and road maps in Nepal.
  • Beyond Bhedetar lies the eastern hilly district such as Dhankuta, Bhojpur, Phidim, Terathum. Dharan serves as a gateway to some of the remote tourist attractions like Kumbhakarna Himal, Kanchenjunga, Makalu Barun National Park, Arun Valley, Tinjure-Milke (Rhododendron Protection Area), Gupha Lake, Hyatrung Fall, and Sabha Pokhari. They are quite further and therefore require extended day trips.
  • To the south of Dharan is the city of Biratnagar and connecting towns, all within an hour's drive. The towns of Tararah and Itahari are popular with the local population of Dharan.
  • Dharan, with its diverse population has numerous centers of worship i.e. temples, churches and a mosque. Bijaypur hill is of a particular significance, as it has several temples of importance, such as Dantakali temple, Pindeshwar temple, Budha Subba Temple and Panch Kanya. These temples are of historical and archaeological importance in as much as religious. These temples are centers for rituals, fairs and events.
  • Other potential tourism prospects include:
  • White water rafting in Tamur River, starting from Tamur Tamur to Chatara Ghat.
  • Paragliding from surrounding hills and Bhedetar for the dare-devils.
  • Development of Panchakanya, a Natural Park into a mini zoo.
  • Protection and development of flora and fauna of Chaarkose forest.
  • Cable car at Dharan-Bishnupaduka-Baraha Kshetra.
  • Better advertisement of Babadham fair.
  • Construction of an airport in Dharan.
  • Some measures taken by the Municipality of Dharan to promote tourism:
  • Emphasis on the development infrastructures of the city.
  • Support development and management of Pindeshwar Babadham fair, Baraha Kshetra fair and Bishnupaduka fair to promote religious tourism.
  • Budhasubba Football Tournaments coordinated by the municipality every year.
  • Annual publication of a brochure and city information of Dharan.
  • Publication and distribution of postcards and photographs of Dharan and Bhedetar.
  • Promote Dharan festivals. E.g. Dharan Mahotsav.
  • Dharan Clock Tower.
  • Development of the Saptarangi Park (Park of Seven Colours) and Panchakanya Natural Park.
  • Financial and other assistance to the development of a privately run Yalambar Park.



नेपाली भाषाको यो पोर्टलले समाचार, विचार, मनोरञ्जन, खेल, विश्व, सुचना प्रविधि, भिडियो तथा जीवनका विभिन्न आयामका समाचार र विश्लेषणलाई यसले समेट्छ।

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